The importance of having a beard care routine

Hey #hairymancarefam,

In this blog, let's discuss about the importance of having a beard care routine.

Some of the best routines came from ritualistic habits that grew into lifestyle choices. With that said, there is power in what you put your mind, effort, and energy towards achieving. This is why it is very important for anyone who wants to grow a beard to have the perfect routine.

Does routine help with anything? To find out, read till the end then you can decide for yourself what is important to you.

What are the benefits of having a beard care routine?

For most beginners, you fall into the cycle of trying out new products as soon as they hit the market. There is nothing wrong with trying out a new product. The problem is that you do not give your beard time to assimilate and respond to these products long enough.

That is how product junkies are spawned. You have to remember that everything needs time for you to know whether or not they are working for you. Furthermore, a routine helps you stick to products that work for you and your skin without the need to switch them up every time.

If you can, document everything including the products used for at least 2 months, and see what works. If a product is not good for you, stop immediately and look for what does.

A routine ensures that you don’t rush through the cleansing, combing, or moisturizing process. This gives you time to prioritize the grooming process since there is specific time allocated to this. When you prioritize care, then all that can be done for your beard is carefully thought out and executed.

Spending 5-10mins on beard care routine may seem like much at first, but with time, it becomes second nature to take care of your beard. Because it is done so routinely every time, the time taken to care for it lessens.

You go from what used to be a 30-minute session to something significantly shorter since your beard is cleansed, moisturized, and combed regularly.

Have you ever thought about your density? What about how unruly your beard becomes without the proper trimming and occasional shaping? Having a routine ensures that you learn your hair. You know when it needs moisture, a trim, when it is unhealthy, when you are experiencing breakage, and the occasional breakouts.

This in turn helps you be more prepared and alert when you notice even the slightest change in your beard/facial care.

Is there a bigger turn-off than someone who has dirt in their beard? You can stay a week without cleaning your scalp and hair but chances are that you cannot go a week without cleansing your face and facial hair. This is probably because your face is the first thing people see when they look at you. Since grooming is very important, this is where a routine comes in handy. It is aimed at making you look neat, well put together, and responsible.

Always remember that with beard care, your face is the biggest priority after all.

Hair health is not achieved overnight. With the right routine, there is an assurance that your beard is always cleansed and moisturized. When these two things are there, there is healthy hair growth, and the growth is retained.

There is also the fact that you never have to worry about breakouts, dandruff, split ends, knots, tangles, frizz, and breakage that could potentially pose a threat to your growth.

Assuming you are suffering from any kind of hair loss, lack of elasticity in your hair, or unexplainable breakage. Having a routine helps you identify what the problem is and deal with it before going any further.

For example, if your hair breaks off by snapping right off, then there is a clear indication that it lacks elasticity. This is remedied by having a protein-rich diet (before they invent a protein treatment for your beard lol).

Any kind of skin condition can also be detected soon enough for you to make a difference in your routine. And finally, you are in a better position to know what combination of beard oils works for you thus minimizing breakage.

You might have been able to grow out your beard effortlessly for years but are experiencing things you have never had. Maintaining a routine means you know your beard is at its best and its worse (after all, it’s not always going to be as glorious as it is now).

However, due to age, genetics, medical conditions, and even medications, you could be experiencing thinning or the lack of new growth entirely. This could be an indication that something more sinister is happening to your body and it shows in your skin.

Conditions like cancer, thyroid disease, or alopecia can manifest in hair loss, thinning, or breakage. Do not ignore these signs especially if you have been consistent and have been using the same products for a long time.

In conclusion.

A routine is not only meant to make your wash days easier, but it is also a way for you to notice even the slightest change in your hair. Furthermore, a routine is not only about the products and the superficial things that are done for your beard.

 Always remember,


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